October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter

Summit Welcome and Overview
Keynote Session Moderator
What is Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line?
Keynote Speaker: What is Equity and Transport Equity?
Program Manager, Transportation Equity
Greenlining Institute
What is Sustainable Transport?
G. Gilgen Justice, MNA, MSTM('21), CHSR
Chief Sustainability Officer (ED)
California Green Academy
Moderator: Joseph K. Lyou, Ph.D. (pictured right) - President & CEO, Coalition for Clean Air ("CCA"), and
Commissioner, California Transportation Commission.
CCA Panelists: Chris Chavez, Deputy Policy Director | Bill Magavern, JD - Policy Director
Brian Sheridan, Development Director
Moderator: G. Gilgen Justice, MNA, MSTM('21), CHSR - Chief Sustainability Officer (ED), California Green Academy.
1) California Green Academy’s “Codifying Sustainable Transport” campaign.
2) Greenlining Institute’s "Clean Mobility Playbook."
3) MOVE CA and SPUR’s 2022 "Climate and Clean Air Initiative."
4) Attendee Contributions / Recommendations
Official Summit News Release | En Español
Final Summit Agenda | En Español
Summit Social Media Toolkit | En Español
Welcome Letter from Mitch Weiss, Executive Director, California Transportation Commission
Welcome Letter from Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, Sacramento's Fourth District
With the Summit being an official event of the California Green Academy's Board of Directors ("Board"), all Summit attendees are subject to the Board's Meeting Procedures, and Summit attendees can be removed from the Summit, should they engage in unruly, offensive, and/or discriminatory behaviour, and/or other elements listed in CalGreen's Meeting Procedures. While the Board supports and vigorously defends Free Speech and the First Amendment, the California Green Academy does not classify "Hate Speech" as Free Speech, and/or other inflammatory, discriminatory, or derogatory language that is based upon biological factors, such as race; skin color; ancestry; national origin; age; sex; gender identity; sexual orientation; medical condition; disability–mental, physical, physiological, or otherwise diagnosed; or any other established and/or recognized biological trait.
2021 Summit Partners
Founded in 1946, the United Nations Association is a movement of Americans committed to the ideals of global engagement. With more than 20,000 members and 200 Chapters across the country, we are dedicated to educating, inspiring, and mobilizing Americans to support the principles and vital work of the United Nations. UNA Sacramento has been in operation since 1955 and has been a staple of the Sacramento community for decades. We are 100% volunteer run, and every day we work to bring the broader mission of the UNA to our Greater Sacramento community. Our mission includes providing informational events, participating in cultural celebrations, developing awareness campaigns for human rights causes, supporting youth leaders, and engaging in robust advocacy with our local and nationally elected officials.
The Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) was founded in 1971, and is California’s only statewide organization working exclusively on air-quality issues. From creating the idea for California’s original Smog Check program in 1981, to ensuring the first national ban on the toxic dry cleaning chemical “perc,” to helping pass legislation to put one million electric vehicles on California’s roads by 2025, CCA has paved the way for socially and environmentally responsible air policy nationally and worldwide. Today, CCA maintain a small, dedicated staff with offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles, working toward the goal of clean air throughout California.
2021 Summit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Why was Friday, 23 April, chosen as the Summit date? In order to maximize attendance and speaker participation, the Summit is held on a Friday, and held as close to Earth Day (22 April), as possible.
2. Is the Summit free? YES. If you cannot attend, we ask you do not register, as the Summit has a limited number of spaces available for online viewing, and a recording of the entire Summit will posted online, immediately after.
3. What is the Summit time frame and schedule? The Summit is organised into three sessions, ranging from sixty to seventy-five minutes. The schedule includes a hour-one break for lunch (12:30-13:30 PST), and a 15-minute break, in between the keynote (opening) and environmental sessions.
4. Will the Summit be recorded for later viewing? YES, and the entire event will be posted immediately after, on the Summit's YouTube channel.
5. Will the Summit be translated? YES; a translated version of the Summit in Spanish will be posted online afterward, on the Summit's YouTube channel.
6. Is the agenda / schedule listed above finalized? YES; All speakers listed above are confirmed to speak.
7. Will attendees be able to speak / respond during the Summit? YES; however, so as to not overwhelm the audio feed and to expedite the response time, attendee responses will be limited to the chat feature, unless the attendee's audio response is requested by a moderator, panelists, or Summit admin.
8. Are sponsorships available for the Summit? YES; each of the three sessions can be sponsored by an individual or organization, and sponsorship information can be located here. However, the individual or organization must comply with (including have been historically compliant) with the California Green Academy's mission, vision, and Equal Opportunity standards.
PRIVACY POLICY: The California Green Academy ("CalGreen") is a IRC 501(c)(3) and RT&C 23701(d) nonprofit, recognized and registered with the Internal Revenue Service (EIN: 82-0784342), the California Secretary of State and Franchise Tax Board (C4005641), and the Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts (CT0256202). As a nonprofit public-benefit corporation, CalGreen does not conduct activities for commercial or private gain, and is legally prohibited from doing so, per the federal Internal Revenue Code and California's Revenue and Taxation Code. Privacy is of the utmost importance to CalGreen, and is a foundation of CalGreen's operations. CalGreen's "Transport and the Triple Bottom Line Summit" ("Summit") does not provide any attendee or other private information to any third parties, including external speakers, moderators, Summit partners, and even sponsors.
Summit attendee's will be contacted before and immediately after the Summit (within a week), with CalGreen providing pertinent after-Summit information. Attendees will be contacted after the Summit for information related to YouTube video posting, and other ways to access the Summit's content. Attendees also have the ability to unsubscribe from such email communications.
Should you have any further inquiries, please contact CalGreen's Chief Ethics Officer at: ethics[at]calgreenacademy.org. The mailing address for CalGreen's Chief Ethics Officer is: 717 K Street - Suite 225, Sacramento, California 95814-3477.