October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
Founded in May 2015, TransportiCA was originally a blog for sustainable transportation. In February 2016, additional staff joined, and the site has now turned into a news and events source for sustainable transportation. TransportiCA's most popular feature is the Book Club; each month, a new publication is selected encompassing sustainable transportation elements–social responsibility, financial security and environmental stewardship. The website also features employment postings for sustainable transportation-related careers, and a page devoted to sustainable transportation framework and vocabulary. TransportiCA has established many strong relationships with regional, state, and federal partners–public, private, nonprofit, academic and advocacy. Lastly, with almost 250,000 website visits since February 2016, the program has a worldwide audience, with a sizeable following in Europe, and is the flagship program of the California Green Academy.