Drs. John L. Renne and Billy M. Fields are April's Transformational Speaker Series Presenters
Webinar focuses on the presenters' publication Transport Beyond Oil, with their new research findings regarding “Adaptation Urbanism.”
SACRAMENTO, Calif.–Focused on sustainable transportation, the Transformational Speaker Series (“Series”) is proud to announce Drs. John L. Renne and Willard “Billy” M. Fields (pictured above), as April’s Series presenters. The Series features the greatest minds in urban mobility, resilient infrastructure, and innovative transportation, and is a proud partnership between the pioneering sustainability publisher Island Press, the sustainable transportation blog TransportiCA, as well as, the internationally renowned Mineta Transportation Institute (SJSU). Beginning April’s Series with a brief discussion of their much-acclaimed publication, Transport Beyond Oil: Policy Choices for a Multimodal Future (TransportiCA’s February Book Club selection), Drs. Renne and Fields will present new research, as well as, introduce upcoming work, examining how to integrate green streets and open spaces into the urban fabric, promoting enhanced resilience. Their new research, titled “Adaptation Urbanism,” focuses on where cities are consciously using streets and open spaces to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and simultaneously, adapting for a changing climate. Their work examines case studies from around world, featuring cities like Copenhagen, New Orleans, and Rotterdam, portraying this effort’s strengths and tensions. “We are incredibly honored to welcome Dr. Renne and Dr. Fields to the Series. Transport Beyond Oil is a ‘who’s who’ of sustainable transport and planning leaders, whose research is sorely needed in public policy, and all of us eagerly await their new research in 'Adaptation Urbanism,'” stated Series co-founder and CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED), Greg Justice. Dr. Renne, AICP, is an Associate Professor for the Urban & Regional Planning and Urban Design programs, and Director, Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, at Florida Atlantic University. Focusing on resilient communities through better transportation and land-use planning, Dr. Fields instructs public policy and public administration, as an Associate Professor of Political Science, at Texas State University. April’s Series webinar takes place on Tuesday, 30 April, from 11:00-12:00 PST / 14:00-15:00 EST. The webinar will be recorded, and is free to attend, with registration available by clicking here. Follow the Series on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, and with Series partners, below.
A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.