October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter

CNR-2021-36-12.29: Double Your CalGreen Donation, now Through 31 December!
CNR-2021-35-12.29: CalGreen Congratulates Adam Barth as CEO of StanRTA
CNR-2021-34R-12.27: Free Transit Riders for Your New Year's Eve Celebrations
CNR-2021-33-12.24: This Giving Season, CalGreen Remembers Simone Joyaux
CNR-2021-32-12.21: TransportiCA's Book Club Becomes the "Reading Club," Effective 01 January!
CNR-2021-31-12.08: For Your End-of-the-Year Giving, Please Remember CalGreen! | En Español
CNR-2021-30-12.06: "10 Human Rights Priorities for the Transport and Logistics Sector" is December's Book Club Selection | En Español
CNR-2021-29-11.25: Help Support the California Green Academy, This #GivingTuesday! (30 Nov) | En Español
CNR-2021-28-11.05: "Tribes and Transportation: Policy Challenges and Opportunities," and NCAI Resolutions #PDX-20-014 and #PDX-20-027, are November's Book Club Selections
CNR-2021-27-10.24: CalGreen Launches New Statewide, Fare-Free Transit Directories for Seniors, Students (K-12 / College and University), and ADA / Mobility Impaired Passengers | En Español
CNR-2021-26-10.20: "The Innovative Mobility Landscape: The Case of Mobility as a Service," is October's Book Club Selection
CNR-2021-25-10.05: This California Clean Air Day, Fare-Free Transit is the Economical and Environmentally Preferred Way to Go | En Español
CNR-2021-24-09.15: “Sustainable Urban Transport in Latin America” is September's Book Club Selection
CNR-2021-23U-09.09: CalGreen Relaunches its Free-Transit Webpage, Highlighting Transit Agencies' Service Increase | En Español
CNR-2021-22-08.31: CalGreen Request TSA Security Directive Extension, Shares Concerns about Transit District's Compliance | En Español
CNR-2021-21-07.12: CalGreen's Statement on California's "Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure" | En Español
CNR-2021-20-07.12: Reflections of TransportiCA's "Year of the Female Author" Campaign | En Español
CNR-2021-19-07.08: CalGreen Launches the "Summer of Equality" Campaign | En Español
CNR-2021-18-07.02: CalGreen's Statement Regarding Yesterday's Arizona and California Supreme Court Decisions | En Español
CNR-2021-17-06.29: May and June's Book Club Contests Now Extended Through 31 August | En Español
CNR-2021-16-06.18: This Father's and Prime Days, Support CalGreen on AmazonSmile! | En Español
CNR-2021-15-06.16: The "Equality Act" (H.R.5 / S.393) is June's Book Club Selection | En Español
CNR-2021-14-05.03: Voices of the Railroad: Stories by Descendants of Chinese Railroad Workers and LANDED are May's Book Club Selections | En Español
CNR-2021-13-04.19: The Transport+TBL Summit 'Social Media Toolkit' is Now Available | En Español
CNR-2021-12-04.16: The Coalition for Clean Air Joins the Summit as its Second Partner Organization | En Español
CNR-2021-11-04.15: CalGreen Welcomes Mickey Bejarano, Inaugural Director of Translation Services | En Español
CNR-2021-10-04.10: Sponsorships now Available for the Transport and the Triple Bottom Line Summit! | En Español
CNR-2021-09-04.10: UNA-USA's Sacramento Chapter Joins the Summit as its First Partner Organization | En Español
CNR-2021-08-04.05: It's Back! The Transport and the Triple Bottom Line Summit Returns Online, Friday, 23 April! | En Español
CNR-2021-07-04.02: "Clean Mobility Equity: A Playbook" is TransportiCA's April Book Club Selection | En Español
CNR-2021-05-02.26: CalGreen Partners with UNA-USA Sacramento to Present "The First Declaration of Human Rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights," A Tribute to Cyrus the Great
CNR-2021-04-02.17: CalGreen Reporting on this Friday's Los Angeles "Mayoral Housing, Transportation & Jobs Summit"
CNR-2021-02-01.20: CalGreen Welcomes a New Beginning with the Nation's First Democratically Elected President in Eight Years
CNR-2021-01r-01.04 [Corrected]: The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis, is Book Club's January Selection