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CNR-2021-36-12.29: Double Your CalGreen Donation, now Through 31 December!

CNR-2021-35-12.29: CalGreen Congratulates Adam Barth as CEO of StanRTA

CNR-2021-34R-12.27: Free Transit Riders for Your New Year's Eve Celebrations

CNR-2021-33-12.24: This Giving Season, CalGreen Remembers Simone Joyaux

CNR-2021-32-12.21: TransportiCA's Book Club Becomes the "Reading Club," Effective 01 January!

CNR-2021-31-12.08: For Your End-of-the-Year Giving, Please Remember CalGreen!En Español

CNR-2021-30-12.06: "10 Human Rights Priorities for the Transport and Logistics Sector" is December's Book Club Selection En Español

CNR-2021-29-11.25: Help Support the California Green Academy, This #GivingTuesday! (30 Nov) | En Español

CNR-2021-28-11.05: "Tribes and Transportation: Policy Challenges and Opportunities," and NCAI Resolutions #PDX-20-014 and #PDX-20-027, are November's Book Club Selections

CNR-2021-27-10.24: CalGreen Launches New Statewide, Fare-Free Transit Directories for Seniors, Students (K-12 / College and University), and ADA / Mobility Impaired Passengers | En Español

CNR-2021-26-10.20: "The Innovative Mobility Landscape: The Case of Mobility as a Service," is October's Book Club Selection

CNR-2021-25-10.05: This California Clean Air Day, Fare-Free Transit is the Economical and Environmentally Preferred Way to Go | En Español

CNR-2021-24-09.15: Sustainable Urban Transport in Latin America” is September's Book Club Selection

CNR-2021-23U-09.09: CalGreen Relaunches its Free-Transit Webpage, Highlighting Transit Agencies' Service Increase | En Español

CNR-2021-22-08.31: CalGreen Request TSA Security Directive Extension, Shares Concerns about Transit District's Compliance | En Español

CNR-2021-21-07.12: CalGreen's Statement on California's "Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure" | En Español

CNR-2021-20-07.12: Reflections of TransportiCA's "Year of the Female Author" Campaign | En Español

CNR-2021-19-07.08: CalGreen Launches the "Summer of Equality" Campaign | En Español

CNR-2021-18-07.02: CalGreen's Statement Regarding Yesterday's Arizona and California Supreme Court Decisions | En Español

CNR-2021-17-06.29: May and June's Book Club Contests Now Extended Through 31 August | En Español

CNR-2021-16-06.18: This Father's and Prime Days, Support CalGreen on AmazonSmile! | En Español

CNR-2021-15-06.16: The "Equality Act" (H.R.5 / S.393) is June's Book Club Selection | En Español

CNR-2021-14-05.03: Voices of the Railroad: Stories by Descendants of Chinese Railroad Workers and LANDED are May's Book Club Selections | En Español

CNR-2021-13-04.19: The Transport+TBL Summit 'Social Media Toolkit' is Now Available | En Español

CNR-2021-12-04.16: The Coalition for Clean Air Joins the Summit as its Second Partner Organization | En Español

CNR-2021-11-04.15: CalGreen Welcomes Mickey Bejarano, Inaugural Director of Translation Services | En Español

CNR-2021-10-04.10: Sponsorships now Available for the Transport and the Triple Bottom Line Summit! | En Español

CNR-2021-09-04.10: UNA-USA's Sacramento Chapter Joins the Summit as its First Partner Organization | En Español

CNR-2021-08-04.05: It's Back! The Transport and the Triple Bottom Line Summit Returns Online, Friday, 23 April! | En Español

CNR-2021-07-04.02: "Clean Mobility Equity: A Playbook" is TransportiCA's April Book Club Selection | En Español

CNR-2021-06-02.26: Bridging the Digital Gender Divide: Include, Upskill, Innovate” and Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race, are TransportiCA's March Book Club Selections

CNR-2021-05-02.26: CalGreen Partners with UNA-USA Sacramento to Present "The First Declaration of Human Rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights," A Tribute to Cyrus the Great

CNR-2021-04-02.17: CalGreen Reporting on this Friday's Los Angeles "Mayoral Housing, Transportation & Jobs Summit"

CNR-2021-03r-02.15: "New Routes to Equity: The Future of Transportation in the Black Community," and Streetcar for Justice: How Elizabeth Jennings Won the Right to Ride in New York, are February's Book Club Selections

CNR-2021-02-01.20: CalGreen Welcomes a New Beginning with the Nation's First Democratically Elected President in Eight Years

CNR-2021-01r-01.04 [Corrected]: The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis, is Book Club's January Selection


2020 News Releases

2019 News Releases

2018 News Releases




Post Office Box 216262
Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
Powered by / Energizado por: Poi Technologies, LLC  |  web[at]
*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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