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CNR-2018-62-12.10: Help Support CalGreen with Amazon Smile's New Charity Lists

CNR-2018-61-12.10: CalGreen to Celebrate "Human Rights Day" and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' 70th Anniversary in S.F.

CNR-2018-60-12.09: CalGreen Launches its 2018-19 Annual Campaign

CNR-2018-59-12.02: Dr. Annie Matan's and Prof. Peter Newman's People Cities: The Life and Legacy of Jan Gehl, is TransportiCA's December Book Club Selection

CNR-2018-58-12.02: CalGreen Thanks our #GivingTuesday Supporters

CNR-2018-57-11.24: Help Support CalGreen this #GivingTuesday! (27 NOV)

CNR-2018-56-11.21: For Black Friday & Cyber Monday, Don't Forget CalGreen!!!

CNR-2018-55-11.19: Major Congratulations are in Order for CalGreen's Chair

CNR-2018-54-11.09: (Updated) CalGreen Welcomes California's New Constitutional Officers

CNR-2018-53-11.08: (Updated) CalGreen Celebrates the Winners of Tuesday: Female, LGBTQIA, & Ethnically Diverse Candidates

CNR-2018-52-11.07: CalGreen is on Cloud Nine, Thanks to Prop 6

CNR-2018-51-11.01: Jan Gehl and Dr. Birgitte Svarre's How to Study Public Life and Gehl's Cities for People are TransportiCA's  November Book Club Selections

CNR-2018-50-10.31: CalGreen Welcomes its First Official Member - Simone Joyaux

CNR-2018-49-10.31: CalGreen Emphasizes the Sheer Importance of this Election

CNR-2018-48-10.30: Amazon Smile Increasing CalGreen Donations, This Week Only

CNR-2018-47-10.29: CalGreen / TransportiCA introduce the "Major Lies of Prop 6"

CNR-2018-46-10.27: CalGreen's Board Permanently Implements the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Governance

CNR-2018-45-10.26: Internationally Renowned Mineta Transportation Institution Partners w/the Transformational Speaker Series

CNR-2018-44-10.25: CalGreen's Board Permanently Implements the Sustainable Development Goals in all Governance

CNR-2018-43-10.24: CalGreen Celebrates the 73rd Annual United Nations Day

CNR-2018-42-10.17: TransportiCA to Cover 2018's ESNA Conference and Exhibition (06-08 Nov)

CNR-2018-41-10.16: TransportiCA to Cover PedsCount! 2018, the 5th Biennial Pedestrian Summit (18-19 Oct)

CNR-2018-40-10.16: Effenus Henderson, International Diversity Expert, is October's "Sector Speaker Series" Presenter (30 Oct)

CNR-2018-39-10.01: Melissa and Chris Bruntlett's Building the Cycling City is TransportiCA's October Book Club Selection

CNR-2018-38-09.25: CalGreen's Board Unanimously Backs "No on Prop 6"

CNR-2018-37-09.17: Dr. Karen Trapenberg Frick (Berkeley) is September's Transformational Speaker Series Presenter

CNR-2018-36-09.07: TransportiCA Covering the California Transit Association's 53rd Annual Fall Conference & Expo

CNR-2018-35-09.07: "Transportation and the Triple Bottom Line" conference continues in April 2019 at SJSU

CNR-2018-34-09.06: Sustainable Sacramento's Inaugural Speaker Series presented by Joel Robert Ussery, CEO, Lucid Solar

CNR-2018-33-09.05: CalGreen and TransportiCA invited as Media Partners to the historic Global Climate Action Summit

CNR-2018-32-09.04: CalGreen Celebrates the One-Year Anniversary of Proterra's World Record 1,102.2 Mile Drive

CNR-2018-31-09.02: Remaking the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is TransportiCA’s September Book Club Selection

CNR-2018-30-08.25: TransportiCA Covering the 2018 National High-Speed Rail Leadership Summit (11-13 Sep)

CNR-2018-29-08.25: TransportiCA Covering the 3rd Biennial California Adaptation Forum (27-29 Aug)

CNR-2018-28-08.23: Professor Karen Firehock is the August 2018 Transformational Speaker Series Presenter

CNR-2018-27-08.18: Statement on the passing of Kofi Annan, former U.N. Secretary-General and Nobel Laureate

CNR-2018-26-08.14: CalGreen Launches "Nonprofit Dictionary" Website

CNR-2018-25-08.13: CalGreen Board Approves New Professional Services: CalGreen Writing Services and Consulting Solutions

CNR-2018-24-07.24: Dr. Kenneth Pierce is July's Presenter for the Sector Speaker Series: "Grant Writing for a Greater Cause"

CNR-2018-23-07.18: TransportiCA and Island Press Launch “Transformational Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-22-07.16: CalGreen's Board Creates New Advisory Council, Names Dr. Charles Rivasplata as Council Chair
CNR-2018-21-07.15: Support CalGreen Directly on Amazon's Prime Day!
CNR-2018-20-07.15: CalGreen's Statement on California's Early and Successful Achievement of Emission Reduction Goals
CNR-2018-19-06.15: TransportiCA Reporting on the Eighth Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit
CNR-2018-18-06.14: Heather Boyer is June's Presenter for CalGreen's “Sector Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-17-06.11: Reporting on the Ninth Annual Mineta National Transportation Finance Summit
CNR-2018-16-06.11: Reporting on the 2018 “Meeting of the Minds” Conference
CNR-2018-15-06.10: CalGreen Celebrates "California Nonprofits Day"
CNR-2018-14-06.10: CalGreen Commends Voters for Passage of Proposition 69
CNR-2018-13-06.01: CalGreen Proud to Celebrate 'Pride Month'
CNR-2018-12-05.08: CalGreen Welcomes First Student Board Member
CNR-2018-11-04.19: CalGreen / USF Commence Inaugural Sector Speaker Series
CNR-2018-10-03.24: CalGreen Commends CalNonprofit's Rigorous Work
CNR-2018-09-03.21: CalGreen Maintains GuideStar's 'Gold' Certification
CNR-2018-08-03.17: CalGreen Celebrates First Birthday
CNR-2018-07-03.15: CalGreen / USF Launch “Sector Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-06-03.14: Amazon Smile Tripling Donations for CalGreen
CNR-2018-05-03.12: CalGreen Submits Public Comment for Caltrans' Draft Public Participation Plan
CNR-2018-04-03.12: CalGreen Launches "Public Comment" Program
CNR-2018-03-02.28: CalGreen Now Seeking 'Student Board Member'
CNR-2018-02-02.24: CalGreen Establishes Amazon Smile Profile
CNR-2018-01-02.20: CalGreen Earns GuideStar's 'Gold' Certification




Post Office Box 216262
Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
Powered by / Energizado por: Poi Technologies, LLC  |  web[at]
*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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