October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
CNR-2018-62-12.10: Help Support CalGreen with Amazon Smile's New Charity Lists
CNR-2018-61-12.10: CalGreen to Celebrate "Human Rights Day" and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' 70th Anniversary in S.F.
CNR-2018-60-12.09: CalGreen Launches its 2018-19 Annual Campaign
CNR-2018-59-12.02: Dr. Annie Matan's and Prof. Peter Newman's People Cities: The Life and Legacy of Jan Gehl, is TransportiCA's December Book Club Selection
CNR-2018-58-12.02: CalGreen Thanks our #GivingTuesday Supporters
CNR-2018-57-11.24: Help Support CalGreen this #GivingTuesday! (27 NOV)
CNR-2018-56-11.21: For Black Friday & Cyber Monday, Don't Forget CalGreen!!!
CNR-2018-55-11.19: Major Congratulations are in Order for CalGreen's Chair
CNR-2018-54-11.09: (Updated) CalGreen Welcomes California's New Constitutional Officers
CNR-2018-53-11.08: (Updated) CalGreen Celebrates the Winners of Tuesday: Female, LGBTQIA, & Ethnically Diverse Candidates
CNR-2018-52-11.07: CalGreen is on Cloud Nine, Thanks to Prop 6
CNR-2018-51-11.01: Jan Gehl and Dr. Birgitte Svarre's How to Study Public Life and Gehl's Cities for People are TransportiCA's November Book Club Selections
CNR-2018-50-10.31: CalGreen Welcomes its First Official Member - Simone Joyaux
CNR-2018-49-10.31: CalGreen Emphasizes the Sheer Importance of this Election
CNR-2018-48-10.30: Amazon Smile Increasing CalGreen Donations, This Week Only
CNR-2018-47-10.29: CalGreen / TransportiCA introduce the "Major Lies of Prop 6"
CNR-2018-46-10.27: CalGreen's Board Permanently Implements the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Governance
CNR-2018-45-10.26: Internationally Renowned Mineta Transportation Institution Partners w/the Transformational Speaker Series
CNR-2018-44-10.25: CalGreen's Board Permanently Implements the Sustainable Development Goals in all Governance
CNR-2018-43-10.24: CalGreen Celebrates the 73rd Annual United Nations Day
CNR-2018-42-10.17: TransportiCA to Cover 2018's ESNA Conference and Exhibition (06-08 Nov)
CNR-2018-41-10.16: TransportiCA to Cover PedsCount! 2018, the 5th Biennial Pedestrian Summit (18-19 Oct)
CNR-2018-40-10.16: Effenus Henderson, International Diversity Expert, is October's "Sector Speaker Series" Presenter (30 Oct)
CNR-2018-39-10.01: Melissa and Chris Bruntlett's Building the Cycling City is TransportiCA's October Book Club Selection
CNR-2018-38-09.25: CalGreen's Board Unanimously Backs "No on Prop 6"
CNR-2018-37-09.17: Dr. Karen Trapenberg Frick (Berkeley) is September's Transformational Speaker Series Presenter
CNR-2018-36-09.07: TransportiCA Covering the California Transit Association's 53rd Annual Fall Conference & Expo
CNR-2018-35-09.07: "Transportation and the Triple Bottom Line" conference continues in April 2019 at SJSU
CNR-2018-34-09.06: Sustainable Sacramento's Inaugural Speaker Series presented by Joel Robert Ussery, CEO, Lucid Solar
CNR-2018-33-09.05: CalGreen and TransportiCA invited as Media Partners to the historic Global Climate Action Summit
CNR-2018-32-09.04: CalGreen Celebrates the One-Year Anniversary of Proterra's World Record 1,102.2 Mile Drive
CNR-2018-31-09.02: Remaking the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is TransportiCA’s September Book Club Selection
CNR-2018-30-08.25: TransportiCA Covering the 2018 National High-Speed Rail Leadership Summit (11-13 Sep)
CNR-2018-29-08.25: TransportiCA Covering the 3rd Biennial California Adaptation Forum (27-29 Aug)
CNR-2018-28-08.23: Professor Karen Firehock is the August 2018 Transformational Speaker Series Presenter
CNR-2018-27-08.18: Statement on the passing of Kofi Annan, former U.N. Secretary-General and Nobel Laureate
CNR-2018-26-08.14: CalGreen Launches "Nonprofit Dictionary" Website
CNR-2018-25-08.13: CalGreen Board Approves New Professional Services: CalGreen Writing Services and Consulting Solutions
CNR-2018-24-07.24: Dr. Kenneth Pierce is July's Presenter for the Sector Speaker Series: "Grant Writing for a Greater Cause"
CNR-2018-23-07.18: TransportiCA and Island Press Launch “Transformational Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-22-07.16: CalGreen's Board Creates New Advisory Council, Names Dr. Charles Rivasplata as Council Chair
CNR-2018-21-07.15: Support CalGreen Directly on Amazon's Prime Day!
CNR-2018-20-07.15: CalGreen's Statement on California's Early and Successful Achievement of Emission Reduction Goals
CNR-2018-19-06.15: TransportiCA Reporting on the Eighth Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit
CNR-2018-18-06.14: Heather Boyer is June's Presenter for CalGreen's “Sector Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-17-06.11: Reporting on the Ninth Annual Mineta National Transportation Finance Summit
CNR-2018-16-06.11: Reporting on the 2018 “Meeting of the Minds” Conference
CNR-2018-15-06.10: CalGreen Celebrates "California Nonprofits Day"
CNR-2018-14-06.10: CalGreen Commends Voters for Passage of Proposition 69
CNR-2018-13-06.01: CalGreen Proud to Celebrate 'Pride Month'
CNR-2018-12-05.08: CalGreen Welcomes First Student Board Member
CNR-2018-11-04.19: CalGreen / USF Commence Inaugural Sector Speaker Series
CNR-2018-10-03.24: CalGreen Commends CalNonprofit's Rigorous Work
CNR-2018-09-03.21: CalGreen Maintains GuideStar's 'Gold' Certification
CNR-2018-08-03.17: CalGreen Celebrates First Birthday
CNR-2018-07-03.15: CalGreen / USF Launch “Sector Speaker Series”
CNR-2018-06-03.14: Amazon Smile Tripling Donations for CalGreen
CNR-2018-05-03.12: CalGreen Submits Public Comment for Caltrans' Draft Public Participation Plan
CNR-2018-04-03.12: CalGreen Launches "Public Comment" Program
CNR-2018-03-02.28: CalGreen Now Seeking 'Student Board Member'
CNR-2018-02-02.24: CalGreen Establishes Amazon Smile Profile
CNR-2018-01-02.20: CalGreen Earns GuideStar's 'Gold' Certification