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Help Support CalGreen this #GivingTuesday! (27 Nov)

Tax-deductible donations will be matched by Facebook and PayPal, with 100% of the funds going to CalGreen; no admin / processing fees.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) encourages everyone to make a tax-deductible donation to CalGreen on #GivingTuesday (27 November). Unlike most nonprofits, CalGreen has no paid staff–with no donations going to personnel, and program costs are incredibly low, due to the incredible use of online (free) and donated resources and a donation policy of stewarding all resources, to the fullest extent possible.

With no personnel costs and low program costs, CalGreen is raising $7,200, for two years of office rent, securing CalGreen’s current office in California’s capitol, until the end of 2020. Since 2017, CalGreen has grown significantly in programs and staff, and a larger office is needed, allowing us to continue our mission of promoting systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line in business, energy, and transport. Besides donations to CalGreen being tax-deductible, Facebook and PayPal will be matching all #GivingTuesday donations–up to $250,000, and 100% of the funds will go to CalGreen; no admin/processing fees deducted.

“We are incredibly thankful to everyone donating to CalGreen for #GivingTuesday; this tax-deductible investment in CalGreen will help us greatly in pursuing our mission and vision, and we are so grateful Facebook and PayPal will be matching donations, with 100% of Facebook’s funds going to CalGreen–no admin or processing fees,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED).

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving, fueled by social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, and after the shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many nonprofits focused on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

CalGreen is a domestic, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, recognized by the IRS, and California’s Franchise Tax Board and Registry of Charitable Trusts. As a (c)(3), #GivingTuesday donations are tax-deductible. For further #GivingTuesday fundraising information, please email

A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.

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