CalGreen's Board Creates new Advisory Council, Names Dr. Charles Rivasplata as Chair
New Advisory Council brings CalGreen consulting and professional development advantages, Chair’s expansive and international experience will make CalGreen a more ‘global citizen.’
SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple-Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) announces the creation of the Advisory Council (“Council”), led by international transportation expert and professor, Dr. Charles Rivasplata.
Instituting such a Council is long considered a standard practice in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. This type of body provides expert consultation and perspectives, not found in other administrative or programmatic units, and provides such services at no cost to the organization. Because CalGreen governs with an academic, technical, and scientific foundation, the new Council will provide expert analysis and findings for Board considerations. Additionally, the Council will serve in a networking and collaborative function, greatly expanding CalGreen’s programming, policy influence, and overall sector impact.
“Dr. Rivasplata is an international expert in transportation systems organization, with distinct expertise in Metro systems. His vast global experience will be an incredible asset to CalGreen, and his prolific authoring of journal articles means CalGreen will be at the forefront of developing practices and technical advancement,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED).
Dr. Rivasplata was elected unanimously by CalGreen’s Board, noting his demonstrable experience in sustainable transportation systems, innovative mobility options, and the interrelatedness of housing, jobs, transportation, and sustainability. The Council will meet upon the call the Board, and additional information, including Council interests, can be directed to: advisorycouncil[at]

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