Reporting on the 2018 "Meeting of the Minds" Conference
TransportiCA eagerly anticipates coverage of the international annual summit, is proud to be reporting on the quintessential sustainability and innovation conference.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple-Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) is excited to be reporting live at the 2018 Meeting of the Minds (“MOTM”) conference, in Sacramento. MOTM takes place 27-29 November at the Sheraton Grand Hotel–blocks from CalGreen’s office, and will be covered live by TransportiCA, CalGreen’s sustainable transportation program.
“Meeting of the Minds is the premier national conference for urban sustainability, smart and connected cities, as well as, transportation and other innovative mobility options. Having reported on the 2016 conference in Richmond, TransportiCA is fully-aware of the massive inspiration and impact produced by the conference, and we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to report live at this year’s summit. Our coverage of the 2016 conference generated the highest web traffic on TransportiCA, and the record number of visits still stands today,” remarked Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer.
MOTM’s 2018 list of speakers includes a “Who’s-Who” of urban sustainability experts, practitioners, and thought leaders, many representing the Sacramento region. For additional summit information, please visit MOTM’s website and promotional video, and follow MOTM on Facebook and Twitter.
Founded in May 2015, TransportiCA is CalGreen’s flagship program, focusing on the education and promotion of sustainable transportation: “Mobility meeting the Triple-Bottom Line.” The 2018 MOTM summit will be reported-on live, via TransportiCA’s events Twitter handle–@TransCAEvents, pre- and post-summit videos featured on its YouTube channel, as well as, real-time reports filed on its website.

A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.