CalGreen Celebrates 1st Birthday!
New year brings new opportunities, and a new continued commitment to excellence.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple-Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) is excited to celebrate its first anniversary today, reaffirming its commitment to the founding mission and vision.
“While it is true nonprofits succeed much longer than small businesses, CalGreen still maintains the need to remain focused on our mission; our staff, programs, and most importantly, our supporters, have grown significantly since last year, and we are obstinate in our resourceful administrative and service delivery,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED). “Further, now in our second year, we have the opportunity to obtain GuideStar’s platinum certification; this will be a major goal for the year. (Aside from, of course, more funding…)”
In addition to current board members and staff, those who assisted with CalGreen’s founding, making sure we set-off a successful path forward, include: Mickey Bejarano, Cindy Blain, and Dr. Charles Rivasplata; CalGreen is a much stronger organization because of their early and priceless service and recommendations.
For more information about CalGreen, please visit, or email CalGreen directly at:

A PDF of this news release can be downloaded here.