Donate to CalGreen's 1st Annual Campaign, helping us earn $10,000 for our important work!
Whether it’s news and events, job postings, or guest articles from TransportiCA, attending CalGreen’s annual “Transportation and the Triple Bottom Line” conference, eagerly awaiting our upcoming inaugural edition of the Journal of Transportation and the Triple Bottom Line, or any one of our many sustainability-focused programs, the California Green Academy cannot operate without your thoughtful support—now needed more than ever.
With each passing day, the desire for objective, interesting, and unique transportation news and information becomes greater. As the nation faces an increasingly hostile federal administration, and in the midst of undeniable and scientifically based climate change, the California Green Academy is here to make sure our supporters know what sustainable transportation is, and what it is not. There is NO fake news here. PERIOD.
However, we cannot go forward without your incredible support, which we value greatly, allowing us to maintain exceptionally high standards. And unlike other ‘sustainability’ based nonprofits, CalGreen DOES NOT accept ANY funding from individuals, candidates / campaigns, or entities not embracing sustainability.
To provide a tax-deductible donation, please click here, or the image below, and we wish you all the best this holiday season!