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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public-benefit corporation granted "public charity" status through Sections 170 and 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26) and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, all correspondence to the California Green Academy is considered "public," and open to public inspection, except for legal affairs, hiring, personnel discipline, governing affairs of the Board, and/or other traditionally privileged materials.  For further information, please contact: correspondence[at]

Como una corporación sin fines de lucro con estado de "organización pública caritativa" por medio de las Secciones 170 y 501(c) del Código de Impuestos Internos (Título 26) y la Sección 23701d del Código de Ingresos e Impuestos de California, toda la correspondencia a la Academia Verde de California se considera "pública," y disponible a la inspección pública, excepto por razones legales, contrataciones, personal y razones de disciplina, y/o asuntos directivos del Consejo.  Para mas información, por favor contacte a: correspondence[a]

PCO-24/25-023R: Happy Holidays Card from the City of Perris, CA (09DEC2024)

PCO-24/25-022R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicition (06DEC2024)

PCO-24/25-021R: Response Letter from French P.M. the Honourable Michel Barnier (14NOV2024)

PCO-24/25-020R: Deluxe Business Supplies Commercial Solicitation (01NOV2024)

PCO-24/25-019R: Pacific Gas & Electric Natural Gas Safety Tips Brochure (23OCT2024)

PCO-24/25-018R: Reply Email from the European Council General Secretariat (18OCT2024)

PCO-24/25-017R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicitation (11OCT2024)

PCO-24/25-016R: Response Letter from the Honourable Laphonza Butler (11OCT2024)[Redacted]

PCO-24/25-015R: Response Letter from Caroleana Kvaterchuk Allison, E.D., Ukrainian-American House (23SEP2024)

PCO-24/25-014R: Thank You Note from the Public Policy Institute of California (20SEP2024)

PCO-24/25-013R: Response Letter from the Right Honourable John Healey MP (12SEP2024)

PCO-24/25-012R: Kaiser Permanante Coverage Solicitation (12SEP2024)

PCO-24/25-011R:​ Response Letter form the Honourable Ursula von der Leyen - EuroComm Pres. (29AUG2024)

PCO-24/25-010R: Response Letter from the Honourable Dr. Ami Bera MC (29AUG2024)[Redacted]

PCO-24/25-009R: Birthday Response Card from Queen-Consort Camilla (UK)(26AUG2024)

PCO-24/25-008R: Response Letter from the Honourable Laphonza Butler (24AUG2024)[Redacted]

PCO-24/25-007R: Response Letter from the Office of the French Prime Minister (23AUG2024)

PCO-24/25-006R: Kaiser Permanante Coverage Solicitation (17AUG2024)

PCO-24/25-005R: Response Letter from the Right Honourable Dr. Peter John Kyle MP (15AUG2024)

PCO-24/25-004R: Response Letter from the Honourable Jasmine Crockett MC (23JULY2024)

PCO-24/25-003R: Thank You Letter from the Right Honourable Christopher Luxon, New Zealand Prime Minister (02JULY2024)

PCO-24/25-002R: Summer 2024 Quarterly Newsletter from the Panetta Institute for Public Policy (15JULY2024)

PCO-24/25-001R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicitation (15JULY2024)

PCO-23/24-024R: Response Letter from the Office of the French Prime Minister (26JUNE2024)(2.2)

PCO-23/24-023R: Response Letter from the Office of the French Prime Minister (26JUNE2024)(1.2)

PCO-23/24-022R: Response Letter from Adam Bortkiewicz - Office of the Scottish First Minister (20JUNE2024)

PCO-23/24-021R: Ukraine Foreign-Aid Letter from the Honourable Kevin Kiley MC (16MAY2024)

PCO-23/24-020R: Thank You Letter from the Office of Irish President Michael D. Higgins (16MAY2024)

PCO-23/24-019R: Corporate Processing Service Commercial Solicitation (23FEB2024)

PCO-23/24-018R: Thank You Letter from the Panetta Institute for Public Policy (26JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-017R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicitation (19JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-016R: Winter 2023 Quarterly Newsletter from the Panetta Institute for Public Policy (19JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-015R: Response Letter from Representative Kevin Kiley, M.C. (19JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-014R: Capital One Business Credit Card Solicitation (05JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-013R: Holiday Card from Guam Governor Guerrero and Lieutenant Governor Tenorio (05JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-012R: Holiday Card from the Panetta Institute for Public Policy (05JAN2024)

PCO-23/24-011R: Holiday Card from the Stanislaus R.T.A. (29DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-010R: Holiday Card from Hawaii Rep. Darius K. Kila (22DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-009R: Holiday Card from Sacramento Police Chief Kathy Lester (22DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-008R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicitation (15DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-007R: Sacramento Regional Foundation Solicitation (08DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-006R: Domain Listings Website Solicitation (01DEC2023)

PCO-23/24-005R: Google Ads + Analytics Solicitation (20NOV2023)

PCO-23/24-004R: Kaiser Permanente Coverage Solicitation (20NOV2023)

PCO-23/24-003R: A.B.C. Liquor License Application Notice from Sacramento PD (22AUG2023)

PCO-23/24-002R: U.S. Bank Business Solicitation (21AUG2023)

PCO-23/24-001R: Carrie's Janitorial Services Solicitation (18AUG2023)

PCO-22/23-026R: Thank You Note from the City of Modesto (28JUNE2023)

PCO-22/23-025R: Janitorial Services Solicitation (27JUNE2023)

PCO-22/23-024R: Thank You Note from the White House (27JUNE2023)

PCO-22/23-023R: ABC Liquor License Application Notice from Sacramento PD (01MAY2023)

PCO-22/23-022R: Corporate Processing Service Commercial Solicitation (15FEB2023)

PCO-22/23-021R: Google Ads and Analytics Solicitation (18JAN2023)

PCO-22/23-020R: Port of Los Angeles' Sponsorship Response (10JAN2023)

PCO-22/23-019R: Domain Name Services Solicitation (04JAN2023)

PCO-22/23-018R: Exempt from Disclosure (21DEC2022)

PCO-22/23-017R: Thank You Note from Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson - President, TA&MU (21DEC2022)

PCO-22/23-016R: Holiday Card from The S (Modesto)(19DEC2022)

PCO-22/23-015R: White House (VP) Thank You Note (13DEC2022)

PCO-22/23-014R: Response letter from the Internal Revenue Service (08DEC2022)

PCO-22/23-013R: Domain Listings Solicitation (30NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-012R: White House Empty Envelope and Letter (25NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-011R: Domain Registry Solicitation (15NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-010R: Chase Bank for Business Solicitation (15NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-009R: Letter from Asm. Isaac G. Bryan (ASM54)(07NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-008R: PG&E Natural Gas Safety Tips Pamphlet (02NOV2022)
PCO-22/23-007R: Domain Listings Solicitation (02NOV2022)

PCO-22/23-006R: Letter from Rep. Ami Bera, MD (CA07)(26OCT2022)

PCO-22/23-005R: Kaiser Permanente and Ironman California Traffic Notice (14OCT2022)

PCO-22/23-004R: ComplyRight, Inc. Solicitation (15OCT2022)

PCO-22/23-003R: Domain Networks Solicitation (12SEP2022)

PCO-22/23-002R: Public Notice of Application from Qualtek Wireless (25AUG2022)

PCO-22/23-001R: Response letter from the White House (25JULY2022)

PCO-21/22-012R: NAEIR Solicitation (MAY2022)

PCO-21/22-011R: Corporate Processing Service Solicitation (25FEB2022)

PCO-21/22-010R: Communications Regarding Downtown Dine Tweet (13JAN2022)

PCO-21/22-009R: Domain Listings Solicitation (10JAN2022)

PCO-21/22-008R: Pacific Gas & Electric Notification (10NOV2021)

PCO-21/22-007R: Personnel Concepts Solicitation (10NOV2021)

PCO-21/22-006R: Kaiser Permanente and Ironman California Notification (11OCT2021)

PCO-21/22-005R: City of Sacramento Department of Community Development Notification (05OCT2021)

PCO-21/22-004R: Domain Listings Solicitation (05OCT2021)

PCO-21/22-003R: Response Card from the Office of the Vice President (21SEP2021)

PCO-21/22-002R: Response Letter from Peter Wilsey, Acting Area Director, OSHA-DOL (14SEP2021)

PCO-21/22-001R: US Domain Authority Solicitation (05AUG2021)

PCO-20/21-003: Response letter from USEPA (22APR2021)

PCO-20/21-002: Response letter from the White House (09JUNE2021)

PCO-20/21-001: Response letter from the White House (19MAY2021)




Post Office Box 216262
Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
Powered by / Energizado por: Poi Technologies, LLC  |  web[at]
*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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