As a Small Business Owner, I'm Voting NO on Prop 6

To some degree, I believe in the adage, “government should be ran like a business”; i.e., always pursuing innovation, embracing and learning from failure, and being able to act instantly on vital measures–as opposed to considering the word “urgent” to mean ‘four weeks minimum.’ (I worked for the State of California for ten years…)
Besides founding CalGreen, I have also founded two small businesses (a sole proprietorship and LLC), and I know how vital getting my service pricing right is–not just for short-term needs and expenses, but for long-term planning and potential expansion. My LLC was founded this year, but my sole proprietorship was incorporated in July 2015; hourly service rates were increased last year, with another increase planned for next year.
With direct business costs across-the-board increasing, especially the costs of living, do you honestly think any reasonable business would be successful, if they did not raise their service rates for 23 years?
The gas tax is California’s service rate for running a successful transportation system. The rate not being raised in 23 years is, in business terms, “insane,” and in technical / popular terms, “unsustainable.” With the gas tax rate staying at 18-cents per gallon (prior to May 2017), such revenues have only 54% of their purchasing power, leaving our state with an incredibly unsustainable transportation finance system.
Prop 6 only continues this depreciation, putting the State’s transportation funds on a dangerous path with greater inflation and reduced impact, making sure the State's transportation purchasing power goes toward empty.
Again, no reasonable business person would maintain the same service rates for 23 years, and even Donald Trump supports increasing gas taxes for infrastructure.
This, and many other reasons, is why almost 80 of California’s leading business organizations–including the California Chamber of Commerce–are voting NO ON PROP 6.
It just makes business sense.
California Chamber of Commerce
Regional Economic Association Leaders of California
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Los Angeles
Bay Area Council
Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
Business Council of San Joaquin County
CalAsian Chamber of Commerce
California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED)
California Building Industry Association
California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
California Small Business Association
California Trucking Association
Camarillo Chamber of Commerce
Central City Association of Los Angeles
Chamber of Commerce Alliance of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
Chamber of Commerce of the Santa Barbara Region
Civic Projects
East Bay Economic Development Alliance
East Bay Leadership Council
El Segundo Chamber of Commerce
Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce
Flasher Barricade Association
Fremont Chamber of Commerce
Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce
Gateway Chambers Alliance
Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce (GLAAACC)
Greater Merced Chamber of Commerce
Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce
Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce
Harbor Trucking Association
Hayward Chamber of Commerce
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
Inland Empire Economic Partnership
Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce
Latin Business Association
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Los Angeles Business Council
Los Angeles County Business Federation (LA BizFed)
Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation
Monterey Bay Economic Partnership
North Bay Leadership Council
North Lake Tahoe Resort Association/Chamber
Northern California Engineering Contractors Association
Orange County Business Council
Oxnard Chamber of Commerce
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce
Redwood City-San Mateo County Chamber of Commerce
Ripon Chamber of Commerce
Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce
Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
San Mateo County Economic Development Association (SAMCEDA)
San Rafael Chamber of Commerce
Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce
Santa Cruz Area Chamber of Commerce
Santa Cruz County Business Council
Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce
Santa Rosa Metro Chamber of Commerce
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce
South Gate Chamber of Commerce
The Silicon Valley Organization
Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce
Traffic Management, Inc.
Tuolumne County Chamber of Commerce
Vacaville Chamber of Commerce
Valley Industry & Commerce Association (VICA)
Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce
West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
Westside Council of Chambers of Commerce