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October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
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CalGreen Maintains GuideStar's Gold Certification
Initially awarded last year, CalGreen again receives GuideStar’s second highest honor for transparency, openness, and board governance....

CalGreen Celebrates 1st Birthday!
New year brings new opportunities, and a new continued commitment to excellence. SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems...

CalGreen / USF Launch "Sector Speakers Series"
New program brings the greatest minds in the nonprofit world, all at no charge to attendees. SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to...

CalGreen Submits Public Comments for Caltrans' Draft Public Participation Plan
Comment letter puts forward issues of inclusion, diversity, and varying communications, especially for the many communities traditionally...

CalGreen Launches "Public Comment" Program
SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple-Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) has...

Getting 'Social' with CalGreen
Looking to follow CalGreen closely on social media? Below are many of our accounts, mostly Twitter, but also including CalGreen's...

CalGreen Now Seeking Student Board Member
Founded upon education in sustainable business, energy, and transportation, CalGreen seeks an amazing student board member, sharing its...

CalGreen Establishes Amazon Smile Account
Supporting the important work of sustainable transportation education, planning, and advocacy will be made easier with Amazon Smile, donatin

CalGreen Earns GuideStar's "Gold" Certification!
Not even one year old, the California Green Academy obtains GuideStar’s second highest honor for transparency, openness, and board...

Happy New Year from CalGreen!
No matter who you are, or where you live, the California Green Academy wishes you a Happy New Year, and hopes for all of the best in...
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